Provide a brief summary of the services offered by U TubeYou tube is a very popular websites and one of the biggest growing websites in the world, it is estimated that the website averages nearly 20 million visitors per month! Youtube is where users can upload, view and share: video content, movie clips, TV clips, music videos and video blogging on pretty much anything you want to show the world, from crazy flat party’s to how to use a sewing machine. You tube great because it’s easy to use and navigate around.
Provide a brief account (1-2 paragraphs) on how the use of planning storyboarding and scripting aided your groups short film.A story board is a visual aid of the different shots and ideas your film will entail in order. Story boarding helped us when we created our short film to decide what theme we were going to have and what was going to be at the start and end of our film. We set a theme of the graffiti around the student area. Generally when we were out taking photos we went on each other’s ideas rather than referring back to the story board because we all had a very clear idea of the shots we were going to be taking or looking for.